HCAP Partners Collaborates with Impact Investing Industry Leaders to Drive Job Quality Standards

HCAP Partners (formerly Huntington Capital) is working to help develop the body of knowledge in the impact investing space through its ongoing participation with industry organizations.

On June 4th, 2015, HCAP Partners representatives, Tim Bubnack and Hope Mago, presented at a working session at the Ford Foundation in New York around investing in quality job creation. The workgroup, spearheaded by Transform Financethe Ford Foundationthe Surdna Foundation, and Pi Investments, brought together experts and practitioners in the impact investing space with the goal to further define a project plan to empower fund managers to adopt good job quality standards across their portfolios. HCAP Partners’ presentation discussed the firm’s initiative to maximize impact by investing in quality jobs and helping portfolio companies move toward driving impact intentionality(outcomes) vs. monitoring and reporting (outputs).
On July 8th, 2015, Tim Bubnack and Hope Mago presented HCAP Partners’ Impact investing “floor-and-ladder” approach during a webinar organized by Transform Finance with participation by Pi Investments. The Fund’s floor-and-ladder approach was developed late last year in collaboration with Transform Finance and Pi Investments as a tool to implement improvements in job quality standards around living wages, employee benefits, opportunities for job advancement, and opportunities for broad based worker ownership. This work has turned into a major industry initiative being convened by Transform Finance to help asset owners and fund managers contribute to the creation of good quality jobs. 

About HCAP Partners

HCAP Partners is a provider of growth capital to lower-middle market companies throughout California and the Western United States. The firm, formerly named Huntington Capital, was founded with a vision to stimulate the economic well-being of communities while seeking to generate above-market rate returns. For more information, please visit www.hcapllc.com or call (858) 259-7654.


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