Arizona Business Gazette: Phoenix-based Cubex brings tech innovations to medical-supply management

Arizona Business Gazette
July 20, 2016
Georgann Yara


He sold a thriving company and maxed out his 401(k). And in 2008, Anton Visser spent countless hours at his dining room table that formed the headquarters of his brand-new business.

Visser, the founder and CEO of Cubex, which provides automated medication and supply management for veterinary, dental and health-care industries, admitted that his decision to trade stability for a new niche initially came with doubts.

“There were many sleepless nights when I thought, ‘What have I done?’ ” Visser recalled.

Today, results from exponential growth of Visser’s Phoenix company have replaced uncertainty.

The first year was spent piloting the Cloud-based system with a few veterinary and dental practices locally. After feedback, research and some tweaking, the concept went national and expanded to the health-care field. Once that happened, Visser said, Cubex took off. After about three years, multiple investors expressed interest in Cubex.

“We were surprised at how the quickly the concept became appealing,” he said. “That told us we had found something that people believed in.”

Each year, Cubex has experienced 40 percent annual growth, Visser said. The company claims more than 2,000 U.S. clients plus more in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the Caribbean.

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